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The first Slovak beer style is originated based on the knowledge of the ERB Limited Edition manufacturing line, at an impulse from our guests and fans, in order to have an interesting beer type in Slovakia too and bring not only various specials from around the world.
The name of the ERB Braxatoris refers to Banská Štiavnica and to the famous poet Andrej Sládkovič, who changed his original surname to Braxatoris, based on the Latin for “Brewmaster”.
This beer catches your attention by its amber colour, a rich and thick head and aroma with tones of mango and forest berries. Thanks to its high degrees and strong aroma, it offers an experience immediately at first contact with the senses. The explosion of sweeter tastes is gradually replaced by an increasing bitterness and ended by a pleasant warmth in the mouth. That´s why the First Slovak Special was made for long winter evenings.
ERB Braxatoris is best enjoyed individually, slightly cooled, when not only all its taste, but also its aroma develop. It goes perfectly with duck, but is also extremely interesting in combination with desserts with fruity base. That´s when the contrast of the sweet and sour taste offers a true experience in the mouth. ERB Braxatoris is a very delicious beer, pleasant also for ladies, for its smoothness.